Thursday, October 27, 2011

Fall Conferences are Here!

The students have been working hard and are looking forward to showing parents their data notebooks. Student led conferences are something new for these students and we are anxious to see how the process progresses. If you have any comments or suggestions please send and email to Mr. Nielsen at

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Living History Farms Field trip Friday, October 21

The Grassroots Café is proud to sponsor the Living History Farms field trip. We believe our students need to connect with the earth, our food source. Living History Farms provides a wonderful framework in which to do this. The funding for this field trip was granted by the Wellmark Foundation.

Living History Farms in Urbandale, Iowa, utilizes “living history” techniques to tell a story. “Living history” includes sights, sounds, smells, and interactions that bring history to life. Our 5th and 6th grade classes are taking a trip together to experience what life was like on a farm in 1850 (6th grade) and 1900 (5th grade). This program focuses on farm life and routines of the year 1850 and 1900. Each student will experience three hours participating in various activities. The major components of the program are food preparation (cooking), food production (crops and livestock), and domestic tasks and chores.

Dress: This program occurs both indoors and outside. Please make certain that your child is properly dressed for an OUTDOOR farm experience. This means boots, coats, hats and gloves. Dressing in layers is vital, as a person can always remove a coat or a sweater, if they have it! Also, keep in mind that the farms are often muddy and cold! Since farm work will be done, clothing can get dirty!

We will leave the school promptly at 7:00 am on Friday, October 21st. The early departure will get the students to the farm by 9:00 am.

Students will need to bring a sack lunch which will be eaten at Living History Farms. We will depart at 12:30, after lunch, and should arrive back at the school around 2:30.

Monday, October 3, 2011

IXL Up and Running

IXL the app. for math practice is now up and running. The fifth graders know their IXL usernames and addresses. As you are probably aware IXL can be accessed from any computer connected to the internet. I get a report each week on the time student's spend on IXL and the kinds of problems they do. This will be something that the students keep track of at school.

Mr. Nielsen